Women In MIssion

Joy & Caroline

St. Mark Women in Mission, a society of the Lutheran women’s Missionary League (LWML), meets five times a year from September through May. Meeting schedule is available by calling the church office.  Each meeting begins with one hour of in-depth Bible study to strengthen and empower the women.  The group then serves the Lord by doing service projects such as coordinating the filling of baby dressers for poor women and infants, making seasonal bags of treats for St. Mark Preschool children and staff, hosting the annual Advent by Candlelight, writing and sending gift packages to St. Mark members in the military, visiting shut-ins, and many more projects that benefit the people of St. Mark and the Saginaw Community.  We also support world missions through prayer and gathering Mites (mission money) to fund MI district and national LWML grants selected in LWML Conventions every summer.

All women of St. Mark are welcome to join us for sisterhood, service opportunities and spiritual growth. Call Joy Walter- 501-0610 for more information.